Comfort and Care Package Program

Active Duty Programs


We coordinate the procurement and shipping of donations of care package items to troops deployed overseas and in harm’s way.  We have sent over 2.3 million pounds of items, one 25-pound package at a time! Each box is addressed to an individual military service member but designed to be shared with ten plus Soldiers. We also can respond to specific need requests from units in remote areas, Chaplains and Field Hospitals.


If you or someone you know is a deployed U.S. Military Service Member serving our country in harm’s way, we would love to add you to our Comfort and Care Package mailing list. You will receive at least one 25 pound box filled with comfort items that you either cannot get from your PX or they just are not the same as what you get back home. It will also include some letters and drawings from the community members that helped supply the items in your box.

We also have items for Military K-9’s.

Please Click on the Heart to add the name of a Military Person to Our Mailing List. The name will be emailed to [email protected] with the following information: the Name of Military Member, Complete Address, Branch of Service, Male or Female (some items including toiletries are gender specific), Date of Deployment, Expected Date of Return*, Your email address.


*Please provide the expected date of return; otherwise the military member will only receive one comfort and care package.


OSOT-America values our service person’s privacy. Under no circumstances will we share an active duty’s mailing or deployment information. Please be assured that Operation Support Our Troops – America strictly adheres to Department of Defense standards and guidelines with respect to mailing/sending packages to our Troops overseas:


  • We do not send unsolicited packages
  • Every package that is sent is at the request of a military person or their loved one
  • We do not publicize in any way or pass on to any person or organization the names that are given to us.


Are you ready to make a difference? You can start today by making a financial donation.

Comfort and Care Package Sign-Up

To sign up a service member deployed in harm’s way for a Comfort and Care Package, please use the online entry form.


Online Entry


CLICK HERE to fill out our online form.

For multiple package requests, please see below.

Large Group Listing


For large groups, the sign-up form information is required for each Service Member but the data can be provided in a listing with common information by unit mailing address. (Excel spreadsheet preferred).


Large Group Listing – Individual Contact


For large groups with a single contact person, the sign-up form information is required plus the number of Service Members in the unit. A test Comfort & Care Package will be shipped to the single contact person to assure that the address information is accurate. Once validated regular shipping will commence.


Comfort and Care Packages


Service Members receive a Comfort and Care Package filled with snacks, food, personal items, cards & letters and more donated by individuals, organizations, corporations, Churches, and schools.


OSOT-America adheres to military mailing guidelines and all information is private.


Operation Support Our Troops-America
1807 S. Washington St., Suite 110, #359
Naperville, IL 60565